Hiking Gear from TSA 🕶️

January 10 - Your Local Source for Golden & the Front Range.

Good morning, Golden! Starting next week, posts will go out Mondays and Thursdays—keeping you in the loop to kick off your weeks and weekends. 🪿

If you’re finding this newsletter useful, share it with a friend!

Today’s issue includes:

  • 🕶️ Hiking Gear from TSA

  • 👪 Summer Camp Registration

  • 🚐🎶 Red Rocks Shuttle

  • 📆 Upcoming Events

  • 🔎 Around Golden

Weather Forecast

Friday ☀️

Saturday 🌨️ 

Sunday 🌤️

42 🌡️ 33

0 in ❄️

40 🌡️ 19

0.4 in ❄️

32 🌡️ 15

0 in ❄️

🕶️ Hiking Gear from TSA

Never thought I’d say this, but TSA’s warehouse might just be the a good place to score deals on hiking gear. 🤔

Sky Harbor Airport’s auction warehouse (don’t worry, they ship) is a treasure trove of…interesting, unexpected, and sometimes practical objects left behind at security checkpoints. From hiking poles to sunglasses and water bottles, you’ll find some affordable items to hit the trails. However, you’ll have to purchase them in bulk.

Other fun finds:
DeWalt power drills 
Storage lockers
Lava Lamps

Happy browsing!

Source: 9news

👪 Summer Camp Registration

The holidays just ended, it’s barely 2025, and we’re seeing freezing temps…buuut it’s time to start thinking about summer (camps). 😅 

Open Now: Avid4Adventure Camps (grades 5-12)
Opens Today @ 9am: Summer Camp with the Golden History Museum (ages 6-12)
February 14 @ 11am: Arvada Center Summer Art Camps (ages 3-18)
February 10 @ 8am: Golden Rec Center Summer Day Camps (ages 5-12)
February (TBD): Colorado Mountain Club Adventure Camps (grades 1-12)

Other family events:

🏃 Parent Run Club (1/12 @ 8:30am): The running group and Baby+Me hiking group are free, but if you’d like childcare while you run, registration and payment are required.
🤠 Winter Junior Rangers (2/2 @ 11:30am-1:45pm): Only a handful of spots left for JeffCo’s FREE event, ideal for children 6-12.
📚️ Golden Library Children’s Events (see calendar): From Baby Time 👶 to Paws for Reading 🐶 to Let’s Dance, there are events almost daily for kids (and teens) of all ages.

🚐🎶 Red Rocks Shuttle

Goosetown Station just announced a shuttle party bus 🪩 to select Red Rocks 🎸 shows beginning March 8 ($30 RT). They’ve listed two upcoming March shows, but be sure to give them a follow for upcoming trips.

📆 Upcoming Events

Happening this weekend:

Future Events:

  • 🍷💵 Wine, Women, & Wealth (1/15 @ 6:30pm): If you’re looking to start off the year building your wealth or your business, this group is for you. They meet monthly and are hosted by financial experts. FREE to attend but make sure to register here.

  • 🏂️ Ski X Board Tune Nite (1/15 @ 5-9pm) - Ready to hit the slopes? For $30, get a beer, a wax, and an edge at New Terrain Brewing to get you ready for ski season.

  • 🍺🐶 Dog Adoption Event at Over Yonder Brewing (1/19 @ 1-4pm): meet adoptable dogs and enjoy beer knowing you’re supporting a good cause. $1 per full pour of a featured beer goes to Animal Rescue of the Rockies and Old Dogs New Digs.

  • 🎥 ⛰️ Backcountry Film Festival presented by the Colorado Mountain Club (1/22 @ 7-9pm): Only a handful of tickets left for this film festival. $15 for CMC Members, $18 for the public.

  • 🍷 Wine 101 Class at Abejas (1/20 @ 6-8:30pm) - Date night anyone?! Will be covering Wine Basics and taught by Owner Brandon Bortles and Sommelier and General Manager Michael Ivey. Light food will be provided with the tasting portion.” Wine class AND light food from Abejas! 🙌 Get your ticket here for $30.

  • 👗 Prom Dress Drive (Now - Feb 28): Before bringing your old dresses to the thrift store, consider donating them. “Bring your gently used and clean formal wear, accessories and other prom essentials to any full-service Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL) location.”

🔎 Around Golden

From American Mountaineering Center’s Facebook Page

The American Mountaineering Center first opened as Golden High School 100 years ago and became a middle school before operating as the American Mountaineering Center since 1993.

The building sold for an undisclosed amount last September to AC Development, the developers behind the Clayworks project. They’ve yet to say what will become of it other than they plan to restore it.

Thanks to the influx of subscribers who’ve joined. I’m glad you’re here. 💛 Have a wonderful weekend!

Your friendly neighborhood goose 🪿,
Publisher | The Golden Goose